What is “Raw Honey”

  • Raw honey is best described as honey “as it exists in the beehive”. It is extracted from the honeycombs of the hive and lightly strained before bottling.  It is neither pasteurized nor ultra filtered.
  • Raw honey Includes compounds, like bee pollen and antioxidants that are usually not present in mass produced store-bought honey.
  • Raw honey tends to have a more distinct flavor and tends to retain more nutrition over ultra-filtered store-bought honey.

Why are they different colors?

  • Honey color depends on the hive’s floral source. Since different things are blooming during the Spring and Fall, it affects the compounds and minerals in the honey.
  • Spring Harvest can contain nectar from Maple, Clover, Dandelion, Redbud, Cherry, Willow, and Dogwood. 
  • Fall Harvest can contain nectar from Red Bamboo (Knotweed), Aster, Joe-Pye weed, Goldenrod, Boneset, and Ironweed.

What is the taste difference between the Spring and Fall harvest? 

  • Spring Harvest – Light and Delicate – considered more refreshing in taste than other seasonal harvests.
    • Great for drizzling on Toast and other food.
  • Fall Harvest – Dark and Robust – considered by many as a more flavorful option.
    •  Holds up well in Tea. 

Why did my honey crystallize and how do I fix it?

  • Honey is a super-saturated glucose solution just waiting to crystallize (like making rock candy).  Raw Honey will crystallize sooner that store-bought honey because the unfiltered components help kick-start crystallization. 
  • To decrystallize your honey, place the container in a bowl of warm water (not boiling) and keep it warm until the crystals dissolve.
    • 115 degrees is a good temp to go with.