Spring Bloom Raw Honey Bear


Light, sweet, and wonderful!  Perfect for drizzling on your favorite foods!

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SKU: spring-bear-8-oz
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Ah, spring honey is a masterpiece crafted by nature’s early bounty! As the bees venture out during the blooming season, they gather nectar from a variety of flowers that paint the landscape in vibrant hues. This blend creates a honey that’s light and delicate, reflecting the blossoms of the season.

Imagine a jar filled with liquid gold that captures the essence of fresh beginnings. Spring honey is often lighter in color compared to its autumn counterparts. It might possess a translucent, pale golden hue, almost like sunlight captured in a jar. Its texture can be fluid and smooth, making it easy to pour and drizzle.

The taste is an intricate dance of floral notes, carrying the subtle sweetness of the blossoms that bloom during this time. You might detect hints of citrus, clover, or even traces of fruit blossoms, depending on the local flora. It’s a celebration of spring’s diverse bouquet, encapsulated in each spoonful.

Spring honey tends to have a mild, gentle flavor profile, making it an ideal addition to delicate teas, light desserts, or as a sweetener in recipes where you want the honey’s floral nuances to shine through.

This light and ephemeral honey harvested in the spring embodies the freshness and vitality of the season, offering a taste of nature’s early awakening.


Additional information

Weight 13 oz